- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì ):聚力鑽研,持續引領PCB生産(chǎn)設備的高端化發展
- 2021-7-30
- 2021中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際電(diàn)子電(diàn)路(上海)展覽會期間,深圳市錦龍科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司(簡稱:錦龍科(kē)技(jì ))為(wèi)PCB行業客戶介紹了公(gōng)司及兄弟(dì)公(gōng)司深圳大首自動化技(jì )術有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司(簡稱:大首自動化)的新(xīn)産(chǎn)品方案。 深圳市錦龍科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司是一家國(guó)家高新(xīn)技(jì )術企業(編号:GR201944203773)。公(gōng)司一貫緻力于……【See More】
- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì )在電(diàn)測設備及包裝(zhuāng)自動化水平領域的成績,行業有(yǒu)目共睹
- 2021-7-30
- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì )&大首自動化 誠邀您莅臨展台考察 2020國(guó)際電(diàn)子電(diàn)路(深圳)展覽會 12月2-4日|深圳會展中(zhōng)心 展位:1展館,1M31 深圳市錦龍科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司是一家國(guó)家高新(xīn)技(jì )術企業(編号:GR201944203773)。公(gōng)司一貫緻力于技(jì )術創新(xīn),培養并組建了一支極富創新(xīn)能(néng)力的研發隊伍, 隊伍……【See More】
- 第27屆中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際電(diàn)子電(diàn)路展覽會
- 2018-2-5
- 第27屆中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際電(diàn)子電(diàn)路展覽會在國(guó)家會展中(zhōng)(國(guó)家)隆重舉行,該展會一年舉行一次,為(wèi)了更好地服務(wù)客戶,公(gōng)司将通過參加這次展會向廣大客戶展示了錦龍公(gōng)司的産(chǎn)品,還提供最專業,最全面自動化解決方案。屆時歡迎您來考察指導! 展會英文(wén)名(míng):China int'l PCB & Assembly……【See More】
- PCB Information Network Interview with our general manager
- 2017-7-13
- Ride the wind and waves pilot technology general manager Xu Xiangxi - an interview with Jin Long[source]: PCB information network [author]: Fanny [date of publication]: 2013-10-14If with Xu only a nodding acquaintance with, reunion in the crowd, ……【See More】
- International circuit board and electronic assembly Southern China Exhibition
- 2017-7-13
- Board and electronic assembly line of the Southern China exhibition area once a year as scheduled arrival, in order to better serve customers, improve the market competitiveness, we constantly, we show the single arm in 2012 on display for the fi……【See More】
- The twenty-second China International Electronic circuit exhibition 2013
- 2017-7-13
- Division I will be held in Shanghai to participate in the "twenty-second China International Exhibition Chinese electronic circuit" in March 19, 2013 -3 month 21 days, invite colleagues and counterparts to our booth to visit the guide, valuable a……【See More】
- 2012.11.28--2012.11.30 to participate in the 2012 international circuit board and electronic assembly exhibition
- 2017-7-13
- Shenzhen Jinlong Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004, is a PCB oriented test professional service company. Since the testing machine R & D 2006 independent brand success, the company has operations to expand the testing machine R & D……【See More】